Sunday 11 October 2015

Hiding in plain sight

“Where are we going?” Kitty asked him.  “The King just said the Window was nearby, not where it actually was.”
“It is in a field next to an extremely large building,” Jaguar replied.  “Beyond that I am afraid I cannot be more specific, as I confess I have not taken the time to learn the building’s function.”
“Huh,” Kitty answered, puzzled by where he could mean.  Her town was not exactly a thriving metropolis: the only large buildings next to a field she could think of included the police station, which bordered a meadow on the other side of town, and the liquor store, next to a vacant lot about 5 miles away.  She was desperately hoping the King hadn't miscalculated the distance and that she wouldn't need to walk there when Jaguar came to a stop.  “We are here,” he said, but Kitty had to do a double take before she trusted herself to answer, “The high school!  You must be kidding!”
“I am afraid not.  Is this where you are receiving your education?”
“Unfortunately, yes,” Kitty said, stunned to think she had been this close to the Last Window all of these years and had never known it.  Her mistake in trying to guess the location from Jaguar’s description had been in her interpretation of the word field, because Jaguar hadn't meant the kind with wildflowers and hornet’s nests.  He had meant the kind the junior varsity football squad practiced on.
“Do you see the Window?” he asked her
Kitty peered into the darkness.  “Oh my god, yes,” she exclaimed, because there it was, shimmering in the moonlight, just in front of the goal posts.  She wondered how on earth she could have missed it before now…until she remembered that she hated organized sports and avoided all practice fields like the plague.

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