Thursday 6 April 2017

The Forest and the Trees

On Saturday morning she slipped into unconsciousness.   “It shouldn’t be long now,” the nurse told them.  Jonah's father cleared his throat.  “Need some air,” he said, and slipped out of the little curtained area.  Jack also drifted off, not offering a reason why.  The nurse gave Jonah a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.  "I'll check in soon," she said, and left him alone with his mother.

Jonah moved his chair closer to his mother's bed.  Her mouth hung open, and her face had a strange, vacant look to it.  He laid his hand on her arm and waited.  

A little while later his father pulled the curtain back.  "Where's Jackie?" he asked.

"I don't know."

His father shuffled over to the chair on the other side of the bed.  As he lowered himself into it Jonah saw the tears streaming down his father's face.  "Dad," he began, but his father waved him off.  "It's all right," he said softly.  "I always knew I would lose her someday.   I just thought someday was so much further away."  

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