Saturday 5 September 2015

Dream Journal, 2005

Had a dream last night with Erica in it.  Yesterday (in real life) I replied to her email.  It was probably a nicer email than I should have sent, but I didn't know what else to do--too chicken to do otherwise, I guess.  

In the dream Erica was incredibly needy/demanding, and didn't want me to have any other friends.   Every time I tried to play with other kids, Erica would get jealous and interfere.  The other kids were afraid of her and I was too but I tried to be nice to her to keep the peace; so I mostly just played with the other kids when she wasn't around.  

However, I had to stay in a room with her—she had this big bed, and I slept in a tiny futon bed shoved in a narrow little spot.  She'd decorated the room with loads of fake stupid stuff about how much we loved each other and how close we were.  It was all very artificial and stifling and annoying and freaky in a stalker-ish sort of way.  She only backed off once when my mom's husband told her that I had a right to play with other kids.  But once he was gone she started following me everywhere again.  The last thing I remember is running down some stairs, trying to get away from her.  It’s like she was obsessed.  Very creepy.

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