Monday 15 June 2015

Dream Journal, June 14, 2005

Had a dream last night that I was in school again.  It was the last day and I had to go to confirm that I wanted to withdraw—I needed to sign something, or else I’d receive an F in all of my classes.  I started to go but I forgot my backpack, and then I realized I didn’t have a shirt on, although I had a cape on, so I could cover up.  I somehow found a shirt but I was still without my backpack, and I was losing time.  

Finally I got to the school where they were setting up for graduation.  The entire area around the school (which now looked like a dark, forbidding castle) was being turned into some kind of hideous carnival designed & prepared by vicious monsters of all types.  There was one of those huge herbivore dinosaurs who, when it saw blood in its water, reminded the monsters that they said they’d stop putting “dye” in his water (he didn’t know it was blood).  The monsters just sort of snickered and went on their way.  I had to get through the monsters & past all of their traps to get into the school to sign the papers.  I don’t remember what happened after that.

Keep having dreams that Ryan is doing things he knows I don’t like & he doesn't care.  Wonder what that’s all about.

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