Friday 10 March 2017


“Let’s play a game,” Alturis said.

“Let’s,” Megan agreed.

“We’ll ask each other questions.”


“I’ll start,” Alturis told her, and leaned forward.  “So tell me, Megan Cooper.  What part of yourself would you most like to kill?”

Megan had the feeling he asked all of his victims this.  Even so, she answered honestly, “My memory.”

Alturis sat back in his chair.  “That would be too bad.  Because your memory is one of the only things in life you own.”

“I’ll sell it to you for cheap.”

“Fine.  Sell it to me.  Tell me why I would want it.”

“Because it might amuse you in between murders?”

“But surely I must have a sample first, correct?” Alturis said comfortably.  “For instance, when did you first realize you were in love with your neighbor?”

Megan shrugged.  “I never was.”

“Then why do you look longingly at his house?”

“Just remembering,” she answered.  “That’s all.”

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