Friday 17 March 2017

So Far Away

Spread your arms                                    wide


the snow envelops my knees
it makes me want to believe                     in you

your candle is dim                                   a flickering light

in sight on top of the hill
I am pushing

a thousand clouds to insulate the sky

only the beat of the ice crunching                            underneath my feet

purple the color of your hidden majesty

in this river flood of oncoming night
play your sad drums for me
underneath the tree

up there on our crayon hill

keep it steady           keep it still

but in a minute I am undone
I cannot cannot leave you now

in the world all gray I wanted to feel
zephyrs and sunrise against my face

it looked so warm
                it looked so warm

from the other side

so I strapped on my wings
took to your sky

                blinded by a million sparkling dreams
                snowflakes falling into infinity

the howling drums of wind and war echoing
around me…

and then the
                went out


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